Sofia 18.10-25.10
Varna 07.11-14.11
all info and full program at:
For the 5th sequent year Æther Sofia invites you to take part in an open dialogue, a visual and discursive tale of narratives, angles and perspectives, a woven spider net operating system, addressing the banality of evil and spreading the importance of politics of care.In its 2022 edition, RE-SPIRIT / TRANS-SPIRIT is seen as a collective attempt to bring forth urgent issues and topics as one fertile piece of soil rather than fragmented polluted waste-grounds. It invites connections to flow and undercurrents, it creates unexpected movements, and amplifies motives that make one organism vital and strong. It wants to trigger the importance of collective thinking, to wake up the unconscious, while gaining new skills and language to surge the residues of political, social, economic, and human injustices, when needed most – TODAY!
We see the present political instability as a possibility to fuel the city of Sofia with a platform that unfolds as a gift and provides a possibility to share and openly discuss the current state of affairs, locally as well as globally.
We argue that we urgently need a policy that puts care first and foremost. By care, we not only mean ‘hands-on’ care, or the work people do when looking after the physical and emotional needs to others – this is obviously critical and urgent as this dimension of caring remains. However, ‘care’ is also understood as a social capacity and activity that includes the care of everything necessary for the well-being and flourishing of life.
To put care center stage means to recognize and embrace our interdependencies. In this collective manifesto, we use the term ‘care’ generously to embrace family and community care, activate cooperative alternatives and create solidarity economies. ‘Care’ becomes our collective and individual capacity to provide the political, social, material and emotional conditions that enable the vast majority of people and living beings on this planet to thrive, along with the planet itself. With this approach, we want to understand care as active and necessary on every scale of life.
To begin with, SAW will attempt to diagnose the interconnected nature of the current reign of carelessness. It purposefully travels from the global dimensions that put profit over people through careless states and communities, to how the banality of carelessness ultimately affects our interpersonal intimacies. Sofia Art Week investigates the interplay of movements, scaling up from the personal to the planetary, in order to outline caring alternatives to our contemporary condition.Different art and social practices will intersect to discover the capacity and potentiality of care, shared and resourced on an egalitarian basis. We will not offer solutions, but sketches of caring-imaginaries, which draw on past examples, present manifestations and future possibilities for forms of interconnected care. Rethinking these dependencies of care is pivotal for politics today if we hope to foster a politics of tomorrow.
Not care, but carelessness is the slogan led by the capitalist machine. The dominant life-draining system strongly leans on histories of devaluation, reshaping and deepening inequality, while we lose human belonging and dignity, as a result of the effective practice of demolition and erasing the vocabulary and meaning of care. No wonder right-wing politics and populism have once again proved seductive. It is easily fueled, given the deep difficulties and unbearable collective fears of living in an indifferent world.
Defensive self-interest pursues in circumstances like these when our sense of security and comfort is disrupted. Do you care for yourself exclusively? Is there anything left to care for others? We fail to challenge the limits placed on our caring capacities, practices and imaginations.
Now what we wonder would happen if we instead put care at the center of life?
Main locations:
Aether art space
Doza gallery
The Loft
Charta gallery
Hyper hub Sofia
Partnering locations:Kopriva
Goethe Institute Bulgaria
One night stand gallery
Integrated Artists
Squat shop galleryPartnering organisation/Friendship:
Sofia Art Projects
Partnering organisations/friendships:Sofia Art Projects
Artist initiative Verksmiðjan, Iceland
Participating artists:
Rossana Marie Pondorf- DE, Raul Walch and Floating university -DE, Daniel Hopp – DE/UK, Rayna Teneva BG & Mustafa Emin Büyükcoskun -TR, Lili Reynaud-Dewar-FR, Alexander Scharf – DE, Lola Göller- DE, Marie Civikov – NL, Alexander Tuchaček – CH, Iona Kewney – Scotland, Mickey Yang – NL, Jeanette Groenendaal-NL, Alicja Wysocka – PL
Lexi Fluer & Lili Mart0-BG/CH, Kara Dere Housewifes collective– BG, Galina Dimitrova – BG/DE, Christian Dumitru Stefanovici- RO/DE, Elena Chergilanova -BG, Iskra Blagoeva – BG,Boryana Petkova- FR/BG, Gilad Ben Ari – IL, Anna Zett -DE, Sofia Dimova -BG,Alexandra Trayanova – UA, Nikolay Karabionovych – UA, Kinga Kielczylnska – PL, Lars Nordby – NR/BG, Thurbjorg Bollason -IS, Michaela Grill – AT, Michaela Lakova – BG / NL, Bjarni tor Petursson – IS
Simone Gilges – DE, Victoria Kieffer – FR, Albena Baeva – DE / BG ,Zlatomira Oprova – BG, Sarah Burger – CH, Lyoudmila Milanova – BG/DE, Bobby Sayers – UK/NL, Stirnimann & Stojanovic – SRB / CH, Iwayla Klinke – DE, Voin de Voin -BG, Vmnotsafe – BG/SP, Galina-Ryom- Røjbek BG / DK, Marta Sabeva – BG, Zhanina Marinova – BG/UK, Aya – BG, Emily and Mary Sarsam-TUN, Gloriya Avgust – BG/NL, Sonja Dimitrova – BG/UK, Anna Shopova – BG, Mathias Gramosso – DE, Solveig Schmid-DE, Jane Garbert-DE, Veronica Desova – BG, Marlon Red -RO, Jérôme Chazeix – FR, Todor Rabadzhiyski – BG, Dagmar Schürrer – DE, Raw Lab – BG, Simon Pfeiffer – AT, Dawe-Haar – BR/U, Yel K. Banto -CH, Maria Minkova – BG, Bert Jacobs (BE) and Ari-Pekka Leinonen FI), Citron | Lunardi – IT, Valentina Sciarra – IT, Alexander Lazarkov – BG, Nicole Kuiper-NL, Tsvetomira Borisova – BG, Laura Riedl – AT, Kaliya Kalacheva – BG, Violetki collective – BG, Poli Maggoo & Radost Hubenova – BG/UK, Anton Stoianov- BG/DE, Elize Charcossert – FR, Dafna Stoilkova – BG, Sara Postolle – PL / NL, Georgi Tomov Georgiev – BG / DE , Mariana Tantcheva- BG / NL, Magdalena Petrova- BG / NL, Ognyan Hristov – BG, Yuri Leiderman – UA, Ana Jermolaewa – UA, Gertjan Franciscus-NL, mfj rulla sutter SRB, MFR-FR, Vladya Mihaylova-BG, Moran Been-Noon- IL, Critics in space-BG. Chaïm Vischel-CH, Radina Yotova-BG/NL, Lisette Smits-NL, Sabine Reinfeld- DE, Studio For Poetic Futures-DE, Anti-Social Network-DE/FRbanner design: Victoria Kieffer
In a full moon night, is it fool moon?
when everyone is asleep, is everyone asleep?
WE women women, lets get naked
Let’s get naked
WE women in complete silence
Then again naked let’s go
Choosing a river of stones
We collect the 77 herbs we can count till 77, but where is the
half… Able to heal the nameless disease
Because on this night on this night or every night
every night
each one of the herbs contains
In itselfthe maximum power
And we look for the half
capable of healing the nameless disease
We choose a stone
Let’s join it together
Let’s unite with chaotic and rambling gestures
Let’s join in our talk and protect stones with our breath
We join our cries that are imposed on the whole panorama – join the trees with our screams
Let’s throw it now into the river of stone
The hardest word the word that was never said. SAD
We do not forget.
The way back.